
Showing posts from July, 2018

Git - Git Waterfall, Bali

Gitgit Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall located in Gitgit Village, Sukasada and Singaraja Regency. This waterfall is situated in the plateau area with the height about 35 meters. Furthermore, Gitgit Waterfall is surrounded by tropical tree and emits the constantly natural water debit during the year. Waterfall voice around the charming nature was amazing and it was a separate attraction that comes to visit. There are some plantations protecting the rain forest around the waterfall and waterfall this waterfall. Gitgit Waterfall - Famous Tourist Destination in Singaraja Region Gitgit Waterfall is one of the famous tourist destinations in Bali located in Gitgit countryside, Sukasada sub district. It is about 10 km from Singaraja Town or about 70 Km from Denpasar. It is set at height land about 300 meters above sea level. Beside of Gitgit, there is another important spot point like the monument for the struggle of Singaraja's hero who dead on the battle against the Dutch colo

Gunung Prau Dieng, Jawa Tengah

Mount Prahu or better known as Mount Prau is a tourist destination that you must visit when traveling to Dieng. Mount Prau Dieng has an attraction that makes it never deserted by visitors. How come? Various natural charms typical mountains that Mount Prau presents as one of the landmarks of the Dieng Plateau is amazing and unique. It feels very loss if a vacation to Dieng without visiting Mount Prau. At the peak of Mount Prau there is a unique hill of Teletubbies with colorful Daisy flowers, enjoying the beautiful sunrise and sunset, the beautiful night sky (milky way), the majestic peak of the mountains in Java Island, The summit is fun. To achieve this you can climb and camp in the camping area located in Puncak Prau. Do not forget to set up a camera to capture your trip on Mount Prau. Access Climbing Prau Dieng Mountain Access to Mount Prau is quite easy. You can start from the villages that became basecamp early climbing. Medan or Mount Prau climbing track is also quite l

Pantai Sidem Tulungagung, Jawa Timur

The sandy beaches on the south coast of Besole Village, Tulungagung District, hold quite exotic scenery. Coastal sand stretches hundreds of meters directly to welcome visitors who come. The sand granules are clean and soft and the waves are not too big, also mambuat comfortable visitors. Sidem Beach in Besuki Subdistrict, also adjacent to Popoh Beach and the center of fishing activities. So that senyampang eyes looked, looks seen hundreds of fishing boats floating on the east side. Marine tourism is always busy visited by tourists from within and outside the city every weekend or holiday. The mainstay beach is about 30 Km from downtown Tulungagung regency. To go to the beach, visitors must travel approximately one hour by riding a motorcycle or car. But do not worry, the path to the beach is very easy to pass the vehicle. Along the way, you will be presented with an interesting view. Before entering the beach area, visitors will also see a number of beaches and the southe

The Legian Bali

Legian Beach HotelBeach BEACH HOTEL Legian Beach Hotel Legian Beach Hotel stands as an oasis in the vibrant and vibrant surroundings of Legian, it is amazing to discover four hectares of gardens and gardens, which is a beautiful setting ... Legian Beach Hotel. The vast tropical garden of 40,000 square meters is bordered by colorful destinations on three sides and the famous beaches in all four. Bali International Airport is about 30 minutes' drive away. The location and unparalleled environment of this tropical planting and shady trees allow for a wide choice of accommodation to suit every lifestyle of leisure. For example, Garden Wing offers 110 rooms, some are specially designed for families, and some are planned to help guests with physical difficulties. In addition, there are 91 Deluxe Garden and Beach Bungalows, and for the best privacy, this resort offers the Legian Beach Villas complex featuring 5 large Pool Pool Villas, 18 spacious Deluxe Pool villas and 8 Deluxe

Green Canyon Pangandaran, Jawa Barat

Travel in West Java is identical with mall, adventure park, and shopping center. Who would have thought if it turns out West Java also has a stunning natural attractions of Green Canyon. Green Canyon or better known as Cukang Taneuh by local people, located in Kertayasa Village, Cijulang District, Ciamis Regency. Approximately 31 km from Pangandaran City. The origin of the name Green Canyon itself is from a French tourist who came in 1993. This is because the water is crystal clear green from the river and green moss abundant on the side of the cliff that makes it popular with the name Green Canyon. For local residents, Cukang Taneuh has the meaning of a land bridge. This is because over the valleys and ravines of Green Canyon there is a bridge of land used by local farmers to get to their garden. If you are outside of West Java then you can use air transportation, or land to the city of Bandung. From Bandung, you take the bus line towards Pangandaran. After arriving at Termi

Kalibiru, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta

Sitting for dusk at the height of pine trees, gazing at the sky with the purple, blue and orange sky behind the Menore Mountains, the colors blending in the calm of the lake water in the distance. The fresh air blows slowly, releasing all the burdens at once. Hmm, sounds like heaven huh? The place is still on earth kok, travelers. Yes, that's the scenery and sensation that you will feel in Kalibaru village in Kulonprogo area, Yogyakarta. After getting out of the hustle and bustle of Jogja City through the deserted streets, occasionally decorated with beautiful houses and yard of villagers, you will arrive in a beautiful village that instantly evokes happy childhood memories. 1. Gazing at the Beauty of the Dusk at the Tower of View There you will find a towering pine tree at the edge of a ravine, which at the height of the trunk has a wooden board complete with a hanging ladder. That is "Tower of View." From that height, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the

Bondo Beach Jepara, Jawa Tengah

Before entering Bondo Beach, right side of the road there is a petilasan Mbah Sutojiwo or Eyang Sutojiwo there is a statue of a man sitting with clothes like a puppete complete with blangkonnya. Based on information both from the internet and directly from local residents. Eyang Sutojiwo is a son of a nobleman from Mataram. Around the 16th century Mbah Sutojiwo with his brother Sutowijoyo left Mataram wandering up to the area of Jepara. On the way of Mbah Sutojiwo, he stopped under the ketapan tree and took a momentary shelter as the day began to heat up. At the time of sleepy sounds of birds singing with a melodious voice, Mbah Sutojiwo then stand up and look for where the voice came from. Because of his desire to have a poor white knee pitiful Mbah Sutojiwo until days of silence in place of the place. And when the full moon suddenly he came across a man in a black cloak. Then he asked the black-robed figure in front of him, The man replied that he is Kyai Ireng. At first Mb

Blue Point Beach Bali

The beauty of the beaches in Bali called Blue Point, Distance from Kuta beach is about 45 minutes, by passing through the winding roads and up and down. Location Blue Point is still a one-way to the temple of Uluwatu, Padang-padang beach, and Dreamland. This beach is situated in the village of Pecatu, namely at the southern tip of the Badung regency.  Actually the original name of this beach is Suluban. Near the beach there is a hotel called Bluepoint Villas, so Suluban better known as Bluepoint. The hotel is quite well known outside of Bali and was used for shooting advertising a brand drinks, starring Miss Universe.  'Suluban' adoption of the word 'mesulub' which in Balinese language means "in bali have to stoop to walk through a gap in the cliff". This may be because the road to this beach you must go down through a narrow road between the coastal cliffs before reaching the blue point beach you will see many restaurants overlooking west with views

Punthuk Setumbu Candi Borobudur, Jawa Tengah

Punthuk Setumbu Hill is one of the best spots to watch the sunrise with the background of Mount Merapi Merbabu. From this place tourists can also see the magnificent Borobudur temple in the morning that confined sea of fog. The exotic scenery of sunrise in the morning has always been a magnet for the tourists. Because it's no wonder if the tourist attractions that provide sunrise views are always crowded with tourists. Call it Mount Bromo in East Java, Sikunir Hill in Dieng Central Java, and Punthuk Setumbu Hill in Magelang. Of the three places, Punthuk Setumbu Hill has a different morning scene. In addition to watching the sun that pops slowly from Mount Merapi or Merbabu, tourists can also see the splendor of Borobudur temple from a height. Of course this is a distinct advantage. No wonder if finally Punthuk Setumbu a favorite location to watch the sunrise for foreign tourists and also the favorite spot of the photographer. Punthuk Setumbu is a hill about 400 meters abo

Pangalengan Bandung, Jawa Barat

Pangalengan is located in the south of Bandung City, and is famous for several attractions, such as Situ Cileunca, tea plantation and Cibolang hot spring bath. Pangalengan is also known as agricultural, livestock and plantation areas. There are several tea and quinine plantations managed by PTPN. Pangalengan is also a cow milk producing region. Livestock and milk processing in Pangalengan and other South Bandung areas is managed by the Livestock Cooperative of South Bandung Pangalengan (KPBS Pangalengan). There are so many exciting tours here, but I'll explain some that I find interesting to the review : 1) Situ Cielunca Located about 40 km from downtown Bandung, Situ Cileunca is one of the existing tourist attraction in Pangalengan. Is a lake exactly in the village of Warnasari, its location on the plateau makes the air here so cool and soothing. Here also there is a 1400 ha Malabar tea plantation that surrounds the lake. Things you can do here is camping in the campin

Ora Beach Maluku

Pantai Ora or Ora beach is located on the island of Seram, Maluku Tengah. This is heaven on earth. No need to go far away to foreign countries to get a peaceful atmosphere with the natural landscape, especially for having the magnificent beach. Pantai Ora offers a natural beauty that is second to none, one more proof for the tourists out there that Indonesia has such beautiful beach like this. As far as we can see, the charm of the beauty of the beach is worth aligned with other beautiful beaches like Boracay beach in the Philippines or the Bora-Bora in the Pacific Ocean. Ora beach in settled in the village of Saleman, Northern Seram District, Central Maluku. On this beach there is a resort named Ora Beach Resort which has 6 pieces cottages and all made of wood with thatched roofs. In addition to the magnificent sightseeing, another charm of this beach is taken from the marine life. The coral reefs on the beach is diverse and colorful as well as the fishes. Because the wat

Gunung Krakatau Lampung Selatan

This mountain is famous to the whole world. Its explosive eruption of 1883 was called one of the greatest volcanic eruptions in the history of mankind. The banging is heard to Perth, Australia which is 3110 km from the center of the blast. The dust prevents sunlight for months, causing the earth's temperature to drop. On that fateful day, August 27, 1883, 36,417 lives were destroyed by tsunami waves and mountain explosions. It is unbelievable what would happen if the disaster happened today. That may be why Krakatoa is remembered. Until the centuries through the remnants of the mountain still haunt us, terrifying us like a sleeping beast giant. Makes us anxious he can wake up and wriggle at any time. However, behind the anxiety, Krakatau also keeps its own charm. It has long since Mount Anak Krakatau, created after Krakatau erupted, has become a tourist attraction of local and foreign tourists. There are two ways to get to that mountain. Through Carita Beach, Banten on

Wayag Raja Ampat, papua

Before popular in Indonesia, Wayag Raja Ampat Islands Tour first known by the tourists. It is indeed natural. Because the accommodation to go to Papua is enough to drain the bag, even up to a dozen million rupiah. The size of the Indonesian people, vacation budget that reaches millions of rupiah per person is burdensome. Indonesians prefer to go to Singapore compared to Papua. In fact, Wayag Raja Ampat Islands is really very impressive. Before going abroad, it's worth your time to visit Raja Ampat. This is the beauty of the best tourist attractions in Indonesia. 1) Featuring an Extraordinary Natural Scenery A small island of islands within the Wayag Islands presents a magnificent natural landscape. Visitors who first visit this place will be speecless when arrived at Wayag Islands. The sights of the green islands, the water is still very clear, and the slow and calming waves break into a very impressive mix. You will not be bored to be in this place. Of the many islands, on

Suluban Beach Bali

Suluban Beach is located not far from Pura Uluwatu Bali Indonesia. Its location is very easy to achieve, from Uluwatu temple just take the road to the left straight follow aja street. Later will meet T-junction take a straight aja, karna kalo turn right later towards Padang2 Beach. This beach is not plasticity from the outside, which is at the end after the fork it is a stuck road full of shrubs and vacant land. Parking aja there then down the stairs with the shady trees beside him, down to the plasticity will be craggy beach with rock and the waves are challenging. Suluban is not a sandy beach like kuta, sanur or benoa. But Suluban is a rocky beach and large rocks. The waves are very powerful makes this area famous as a place to surf by the surfers. There are several stalls and restaurants, we can enjoy the food + drinks in the dish while looking at bule2 on the surf. To get to the beach it must pass through the aisle celah2 large rocks. Oh yes there is a big rock in the mid

Labengki Island Sulawesi Tenggara

Southeast Sulawesi Province has lost its beauty compared to other provinces. The beauty of small islands that are so captivating the eyes will be easy to find and explore. Not only is Wakatobi very beautiful there, it is still a lot of beautiful island one of them is Labengki Island which is famous as Raja Ampatnya Sulawesi. Tourism site Labengki Island is located in the province of Southeast Sulawesi and keindahanya not inferior to Wakatobi or South Sulawesi sulawesi tourist island Southeast Ampat is so famous. Why do many who call Pulau Labengki as Raja Ampatnya Suluwesi because this destination is almost the same nuance with Raja Ampat which consists of large coral reefs that are above the ocean at various points. These large and small coral reefs are mapped into Big Labengki Island and Little Labengki Island. Not only the beauty above the water is presented by this charming island, but the beauty of the underwater is also very beautiful to be admired. Various marine life

Bunaken Manado, Sulawesi Utara

Bunaken is an 8.08 km² island in Manado Bay, located in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The island is part of the city of Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Bunaken Island can be taken by speed boat (speed boat) or charter boat with a journey of about 30 minutes from the port city of Manado. Around Bunaken Island there is Bunaken marine park which is part of Bunaken National Park. This marine park has one of the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Scuba diving attracts many visitors to this island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares with five islands in it, namely Manado Tua Island (Manarauw), Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island along with some of the island's children, and Naen Island. Although it covers an area of ​​75,265 hectares, diving sites are limited to each of the beaches that surround the five islands. Bunaken marine park has 20 dive spots (dive spots) with varying depths up to 1344 me