Bondo Beach Jepara, Jawa Tengah

Before entering Bondo Beach, right side of the road there is a petilasan Mbah Sutojiwo or Eyang Sutojiwo there is a statue of a man sitting with clothes like a puppete complete with blangkonnya. Based on information both from the internet and directly from local residents. Eyang Sutojiwo is a son of a nobleman from Mataram. Around the 16th century Mbah Sutojiwo with his brother Sutowijoyo left Mataram wandering up to the area of Jepara.

On the way of Mbah Sutojiwo, he stopped under the ketapan tree and took a momentary shelter as the day began to heat up. At the time of sleepy sounds of birds singing with a melodious voice, Mbah Sutojiwo then stand up and look for where the voice came from.

Because of his desire to have a poor white knee pitiful Mbah Sutojiwo until days of silence in place of the place. And when the full moon suddenly he came across a man in a black cloak. Then he asked the black-robed figure in front of him, The man replied that he is Kyai Ireng.

At first Mbah Sutojiwo did not come clean about his desire to have the bird, but eventually he told the story and tit for tattoos. Kyai Ireng said that the pure white bird is pets Kyai Ireng. Sutojiwo may keep the bird from wanting to marry Kyai Ireng's ugly son.

For a moment Sutojiwo paused, but eventually he was willing to marry the son of Kyai Ireng. Kyai Ireng then told Sutojiwo to meet his future wife. Sutojiwo confused because after entering there was no human and strangely on the bed there is a white turtle bird that he likes. When the bird is held, a sudden lightning strikes and rain, thick smoke envelopes the bird and in an instant the bird turns into a beautiful white woman. "that is Dewi Kukilowati your wife" said Kyai Ireng. Sutojiwo was then given a black robe similar to that worn by Kyai Ireng. When Sutojiwo's robe was not seen, Kyai Ireng disappeared.

One day Sutojiwo remembered having a friend whose name was Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung, who once invited his home but he did not want, because it has not reached his desire. He wanted to visit the house Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung a distance of approximately 1 km to the east.

After he met and talked face to face like an ordinary guest. But Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung can not see Sutojiwo's face or form but Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung knows Sutojiwo's voice.

Until a few weeks Mbah Sutojiwo often come and chat at Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung's house and over time finally never again. Since then Mbah Sutojiwo disappeared somewhere where no one knows.

Such is the history, story or history of Mbah Sutojiwo in the village of Bondo. Many sources and versions have many similarities. Until now the place has become a pilgrimage destination of people from various cities that have an intent or request.

To enjoy the beautiful nature of Bondo Beach visitors are not charged free entry ticket, Entrance Ticket is applied during national holiday and Friday Wage, Rp 2,500 per person while on holiday Lebaran visitors are charged entrance fee or levy Rp 10,000 per person, cheaper right?


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