Punthuk Setumbu Candi Borobudur, Jawa Tengah

Punthuk Setumbu Hill is one of the best spots to watch the sunrise with the background of Mount Merapi Merbabu. From this place tourists can also see the magnificent Borobudur temple in the morning that confined sea of fog.

The exotic scenery of sunrise in the morning has always been a magnet for the tourists. Because it's no wonder if the tourist attractions that provide sunrise views are always crowded with tourists. Call it Mount Bromo in East Java, Sikunir Hill in Dieng Central Java, and Punthuk Setumbu Hill in Magelang.

Of the three places, Punthuk Setumbu Hill has a different morning scene. In addition to watching the sun that pops slowly from Mount Merapi or Merbabu, tourists can also see the splendor of Borobudur temple from a height. Of course this is a distinct advantage. No wonder if finally Punthuk Setumbu a favorite location to watch the sunrise for foreign tourists and also the favorite spot of the photographer.

Punthuk Setumbu is a hill about 400 meters above sea level located in the cluster of Menoreh Mountains. Formerly this place is a field of residents. But after a photographer captured an epic sunrise borobudur image of this place, people came to visit this place to watch the sunrise.

Tourists who want to see the beauty of Borobudur at dawn is advised to arrive at this place before 05.00 pm. From the existing parking at the foot of the hill, tourists must trekking about 15 minutes to reach the top with a route of makadam and land. For those who are not strong trekking to the top, not far from the parking lot there is a gazebo where tourists can already see the Borobudur from a distance.

Peak Punthuk Setumbu is a wide court surrounded by guardrail. In this place there is a house stage, gazebo, and wooden chairs that can be used to sit waiting for sunrise. Although the trek ride in the morning is a bit tiring, but it will pay off when watching the sweep of the borobudur fog that is slowly lifted up and the sun that emerges from behind the mountain with shyness.

The Best Time to Visit Punthuk Setumbu

For tourists and photographers who want to capture the sunrise from Punthuk Setumbu, then the best time to come to this place is during the dry season is around June to August. In these months the sun can be clearly visible without cloudy clouds so it can get a beautiful moment. In addition, the track to the hill is not muddy like during the rainy season. Meanwhile, if you want to photograph Borobudur temple covered with fog, visitors can come anytime.


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