Gunung Krakatau Lampung Selatan

This mountain is famous to the whole world. Its explosive eruption of 1883 was called one of the greatest volcanic eruptions in the history of mankind.

The banging is heard to Perth, Australia which is 3110 km from the center of the blast. The dust prevents sunlight for months, causing the earth's temperature to drop. On that fateful day, August 27, 1883, 36,417 lives were destroyed by tsunami waves and mountain explosions. It is unbelievable what would happen if the disaster happened today.

That may be why Krakatoa is remembered. Until the centuries through the remnants of the mountain still haunt us, terrifying us like a sleeping beast giant. Makes us anxious he can wake up and wriggle at any time.

However, behind the anxiety, Krakatau also keeps its own charm. It has long since Mount Anak Krakatau, created after Krakatau erupted, has become a tourist attraction of local and foreign tourists.

There are two ways to get to that mountain. Through Carita Beach, Banten on the island of Java and Canti Beach, Lampung Selatan from the island of Sumatra. Through Banten may have a lot to know, but through Lampung it seems not much. Visiting Mount Krakatau from South Lampung is not less exciting than Banten, you know.

For those in Banten or surrounding areas to reach South Lampung most easily from Merak Port, Serang, Banten. You can catch a ferry to Bakauheni Port, South Lampung. The usual fare is around Rp 13 thousand per person. For cars and all passengers are charged Rp 275 thousand.

To reach Canti from Bakauheni can take public transportation Bakauheni-Bandar Lampung. Down at Kalianda. The fare is around Rp 20 thousand. From Kalianda to Dock Canti motorcycle taxi ride with the same fare.

From Canti Pier, the route to Krakatau will pass Sebesi Island, the nearest island of Krakatau. To get to Sebesi Island there is a motor boat owned by residents with the cost of Rp 15 thousand. This ship operates at 12:00 to 14:00 pm. This 40-capacity vessel can be rented for traveling around Krakatau at a cost of Rp 1.5 million to Rp 3 million.

Sebesi Island also has lodging for tourists. The island is often so transit for those who want to Krakatau, fill the feeding and drinking supplies because there is no fresh water source on the mountain.

After traveling from Pulau Sebesi for 1.5 hours, you will arrive at Mount Anak Krakatau. This mountain is surrounded by Mount Ibu Krakatau or Rakata, Pulau Panjang, and Pulau Sertung.

Of course, the highlight of this tour is hiking. The peak of Anak Krakatau is not hard to climb. It takes only half an hour to climb this mountain. From Anak Krakatau on the opposite side saw the mother of Krakatau like a monument of the remnants of the eruption of the eruption more than a century ago. Your feelings must be mixed when you see them, between wonder and anxiety. Whatever those feelings are clearly irreplaceable and forgotten.


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