Wayag Raja Ampat, papua

Before popular in Indonesia, Wayag Raja Ampat Islands Tour first known by the tourists. It is indeed natural. Because the accommodation to go to Papua is enough to drain the bag, even up to a dozen million rupiah. The size of the Indonesian people, vacation budget that reaches millions of rupiah per person is burdensome. Indonesians prefer to go to Singapore compared to Papua. In fact, Wayag Raja Ampat Islands is really very impressive. Before going abroad, it's worth your time to visit Raja Ampat. This is the beauty of the best tourist attractions in Indonesia.

1) Featuring an Extraordinary Natural Scenery

A small island of islands within the Wayag Islands presents a magnificent natural landscape. Visitors who first visit this place will be speecless when arrived at Wayag Islands. The sights of the green islands, the water is still very clear, and the slow and calming waves break into a very impressive mix. You will not be bored to be in this place. Of the many islands, only a few islands exist inhabitants. What if one of the islands is yours? You will probably be the luckiest person in the world. When you arrive at the site, it may be that sort of thing that might be in your right mind.

2) Become One of the Best Dive Spot in the World

Not only has the extraordinary natural beauty, Wayag Islands Tour Raja Ampat also has the charm of beautiful underwater beauty. In fact, this place became one of the 10 best diving spots in Indonesia. Various marine biota live in this place. Coral reefs and hundreds of marine fish species that live in the waters of the Wayag Islands show an undersea scene that can not be described in words. The beauty is irreplaceable with anything. Everything is still very natural and very amazing. So beautiful, when diving, you will definitely forget the time.

3) Tourist icon Raja Ampat

An advertisement on TV featured Raja Ampat as his background. On those TV commercials, you can see the sightings of the Wayag Islands at a glance. The archipelago is a cluster of karst mountains neatly in the middle of the sea. It is this small island cluster that becomes the icon of Raja Ampat tourism. Natural beauty that captivates anyone who sees it. From the picture alone is very amazing, let alone see firsthand. Therefore, do not be surprised if Wayag Islands serve as a tourist icon Raja Ampat.

4) Perfect Sunrise and Sunset Spot

A beautiful view of the morning can be found in Raja Ampat. No need to climb a steep mountain to get a beautiful sunrise. Simply wander the waters of the Wayag Islands in the early morning to be able to witness the stunning morning scenery. The sun that is about to rise to its bed will refract purers of gold. On a sunny day, this scene is truly incredible. Sunrise on the Raja Ampat Islands is arguably one of the best sunrise spots

Watching the sunset seconds between the small islands of the Wayag Islands is very exciting. The golden silhouette of the sun that bounced into space produced an unforgettable charm. Sunset in Raja Ampat is the most beautiful compared to other tourist attractions in Indonesia. Capture this historic and exciting moment by taking a photo.

5) Many resorts that you can rent

For anyone who wants to linger on this island, not to worry. Although the place is quite remote, around the tourist sites Wayag Raja Ampat Islands there are several resorts or places to stay that you can rent. Overnight in a place with natural scenery like heaven is the dream of most people. If your vacation budget is sufficient, there is no harm in spending some time off your holiday in Raja Ampat.

The five things above are a charm you should not miss. If you are willing to stop in one of the islands in the Wayag Islands, do not forget to take a walk around the island. You can walk along the clean white sand and still a virgin. If you wish, you can also climb karst hill in this area. For those of you who want to climb, make sure you use comfortable footwear. For the security of climbing, you can use mountain shoes or at least use the mountain slippers. From the top of this karst hill, you can take selfie photos against the background of the Wayag Wayag Islands group.


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