Pulau Pasumpahan, Padang Sumatera Barat

     Pulau Pasumpahan is a beautiful island with soft sand and clear waters, ready to pamper your eyes. Located in the district of Bungus, Teluk Kabung. It is therefore easier to visit through Bungus Bay, Padang and only about 200 meters from Sikuai Island. Did you know that Pulau Pasumpahan, Pulau Pagang, Pulau Sikuai, Pulau Pamutusan and many other islands around the island entered the area of Mandeh Island.

     The area of this island is only about 5 hectares only, with clear waters consisting of 3 color degradation that is clear on the beach, greenish in the middle and bluish for more ocean.

     For now Pasumpahan Island already has a variety of facilities that are quite complete among them are the benches for the tourists chairs, rinse rooms, some water sports rides, volleyball field, camping group ground and mussolah. All the supporting facilities, aiming for your holiday more exciting and memorable. With the feel of a beautiful little island with blue sea water as a bonus.

     In addition to taking pictures and bersnorkling ria, on the island of Pasumpahan you can also climb a hill as high as 100 meters on the north side of the island. Seeing the view from the top of the hill is an unforgettable experience even more so, if you capture in the photo.

     Anyone know why this island called the Sump? supposedly according to local folklore about a rebellious child to his mother. Starting from a growing child and a big become a rich merchant, but wealth and arrogance make the child embarrassed to recognize his biological mother due to poor. Then the embittered mother cursed her son into a rock.

     Have you started to understand this legend? Yes, true legend in question is malin kundang. According to the local island community, this form of evidence is similar to that of a person prostrate so that it is associated with malin kundang folklore. Therefore the island is named Pasumpahan, which contains the word oath.

     Pualu Pasumpahan is about 1 hour drive from Padang city, with 2 ways that you can pass. First you can follow some tour packages that have provided many tourist destinations to Pasumpahan Island. Or you can also visit some beaches in Bungus sub-district, then you will find many tour agents who provide One Day Trip package with varied costs.

     Then the second way, may be more suitable for you who love the backpackers and come up with the number of people who are not too many.  You can go to Sei Pisang with a distance of about 20 km from the city of Padang. The road conditions are good and the guided routes are already available, so just follow the directions to Painan. Then there will be a guide to Sei Pisang, with forest about 4 Km. But the path is safe so you do not have to worry. It is not advisable to use this type of sedan vehicle.

     West Sumatra indeed has a very complete tourism charm ranging from culinary, culture, mountains, valleys to beaches and beautiful islands. One of the excellent prima donna is Pulau Pasumpahan. A tiny island that has a million different beauties with others. Offers all the tranquility with an amazing natural scenery.


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