Taman Nasional Wakatobi Sulawesi Tenggara

    Wakatobi National Park is one of 50 nasoinal parks in Indonesia, located in Wakatobi district, Southeast Sulawesi. This national park was set in 2002, with a total area of 1.39 million ha, involving marine biodiversity, scale and coral conditions; which occupies one of the highest priority positions of marine conservation in Indonesia. Water depth in this national park varies, the deepest reaches 1,044 meters below sea level.

    Wakatobi National Park consists of four major islands, namely: Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko located in Wakatobi District, Southeast Sulawesi.

    Coral reefs can be found hundreds of species from dozens of families located along hundreds of km of coastline. . In some places along the reef, there are some underwater caves.

    It has nearly a hundred species of colorful fish. king of shrimp erasia and several types of turtles that often lay their eggs on the beach.

   Various types of seabirds perched on corals such as: brown swans and melting pots fly out to sea to hunt fish.

    To the location of Wakatobi National Park, preferably through Bau-bau, then to Lasalimu using a four-wheeled vehicle with travel time of about two hours. next to Wanci (Wakatobi District Capital) journey taken by boat with a travel time of about one hour journey.

    This island is found several resorts that specifically rent out some facilities for diving activities.

    This island is the gateway of Wakatobi National Park. In Wangi-Wangi planned to build Matahora Airport. .


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