Raja Ampat Papua Barat

     Raja Ampat Islands is a tourist destination located in the region of Papua. This tour has been known by the whole world because of its natural beauty is very fascinating. One of the popularity of Raja Ampat tourist attraction is with the documentary film created by Avant Premiere entitled "Edis Paradise 3", where in the film tell the beauty of nature under the sea Raja Ampat in the region of Papua, which is also referred to as the Amazon Region of the World Ocean. The nickname is given because of the location of this tourist attraction located in the center of the world's coral triangle. Raja Ampat Islands Tourism is in the territory of West Papua, which is a group of islands scattered with numbers ranging from 610 islands, but there are only 35 islands inhabited by the population.

     Raja Ampat area is an archipelago area, with the only means of transportation that can be used by the surrounding community is sea transport. This transportation is used either to reach the district capital (Waisai) or vice versa. With four main islands located in this region make uniqueness for you who travel to Raja Ampat tourist destinations. four islands that dipaksutkan are Batanta, Misool, Salawati and Waigeo. The name or name of Raja Ampat itself is taken from the myth of the surrounding population which, when translated into the Indonesian language has the meaning of the Four Kings.

     The tourists who come from around the world deliberately come this tourist attraction in Papua to enjoy the beauty of the island and the uniqueness of the underwater tourism, as well as explore the underwater walls by diving. Here tourists can also wade the islands of large and small islands, mountains, tropical forests, sea reefs, white sand beaches and diversity of animal life in Raja Ampat tourist area. It may be said that such a natural wealth is very rare, so grateful if Indonesia has a gift that is difficult to describe with words.

 Route Of Travel Or Transportation To Raja Ampat

     In general, the route taken by the visitors or tourists to arrive at the location of this tourist attraction in Papua is to make air travel, and headed to the city of Sorong - West Papua (Domine Edward Osok). At this airport there is no international flight path that can directly go to Domine Edward Osok. So, if you are coming from abroad, you must transit first in Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar or Makassar. And if you want to take the shortest path, you can transit first in Ujung Pandang and take about 5 hours 15 minutes to reach the city of Sorong.

     Then from the city of Sorong, the journey continued by using a taxi vehicle to the people's harbor to go to the capital of Raja Ampat (Waisai). After that, your trip will be resumed by using the Ferry Boat or can rent a speed boat, and it is recommended in this port you must provide supplies such as mineral water, instant food and so forth. because in Waisai (capital of Raja Ampat), the price of supplies is increasingly expensive. In this harbor there are two ferry boats that serve the route from Sorong to Waisai, and usually depart every 14.00 WIT, then the other ship will depart about 1-2 hours later. The journey will take 4 - 5 hours to reach the port of Waisai.

     However, for those of you who have the desire to hire a speedboat, the ideal time to cross is before the rising seawater, which is usually due to gelumbang pairs or around before 12:00 WIT. This is done because there are concerns about things that are not desired, because the speedboat is smaller than the ship, so it is very easily shaken by the waves. Then the note for you is to obey instructions from the ship's captain if instructed to delay the trip to the port of Waisai due to bad weather, tidal wave or other problems. It's a bit complicated once a trip to Raja Ampat. However, in the future the local government will develop an airport in Waisai (Marinda Airport), which will facilitate access to Raja Ampat.

     After arriving at the port of Waisai, the journey continues to the city where you can easily find lodging there. However, before going to the local Depbudpar office, to pay conservation fees that must be imposed for every tourist who visited the Raja Ampat region. After that you can search for lodging.

What to Do and Interesting Places in Raja Ampat   

     this tourist attraction in Papua offers a lot of biodiversity charm, which is arguably quite abundant. Here you can find about 540 species of coral and 1,511 species of fish. 75% of the coral species found throughout the World are here, which is about 10 times the number of coral species ever found throughout the Caribbean. You will also find 27 species of step fish that are only here. In addition there are also 5 species of sea turtle step, 13 species of marine mammals, and 57 species of mantis shrimp. So you can imagine the uniqueness that is owned by this tourist destination.

     The charm of the beautiful sea view, which can be viewed both from below and over the sea will hypnotize you. For that you should not miss a valuable moment when visiting there. This condition is supported by an endemic soil structure, the richness of marine life and the culture and wisdom of the local population. The activities you can do here are as follows:
Explore the island of Raja Ampat by boat.

2. Playing Game
3. Dive to watch the remains of the ship's ruins under the sea.
4. Enjoy the beauty of coral islands (karst) around Wayag Island.
5. Visiting cenderawasih red birds typical of West Papua.
6. Traditional fishing in Papua.
7. Feed the cuscus.
Explore the bat cave (not the Dark Knight varietal bat).

9. Make your own wooden sculpture guided by Asmat craftsmen.
10. Snorkeling.
11. Trekking to find the waterfall.

     In addition you can also see the "Sea Ghost", which is a unique and interesting natural phenomenon, located in the eastern part of Waigeo, This phenomenon is formed by a ray that comes from sea water or the phenomenon of sunset scenery, which can be seen on the boat and around the surface with a period of 10 -18 minutes. this phenomenon can only be seen at the end of each year only.

     Not only that in the western and northern parts of the Waigeo area, there is a traditional bamboo flute show performed by the surrounding community called the distilled drum. Traditional performances are usually held when there is a religious festival or on the anniversary of Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (17 August) and at the welcoming ceremony of important officials (leaders).

     The charm of Tomolol Cave. this area you will be amazed by the scenery in Tomolo Cave, human palms painting and animals that have a very large size depicted on the walls of the cave. It is said that this painting was made during prehistoric times.

     Not only that to the north of Waigeo, you can also enjoy the history tour which is also a cave-shaped relic of World War II. This cave is said to be the place where Dutch and Japanese troops build bunker. In addition you can also enjoy the uniqueness of local culture that is presented in a war dance. Here there are also waterfall tourist destinations, and certainly if you go there should not be missed.

   The next destination is Ayau Island, Ayau Island is a collection of small islands located in the Coral Islands, with a very large size and white sandy seabed, Ayau Island can connect one island with another island. Not only that, not far from this place you can also enjoy the islands with a unique sand called "Zandplaat". This place is a unique habitat of local vegetation in Raja Ampat. You can also watch the local community especially mothers and children catch sea worms or insonem.

     In addition you can also visit Waigeo South, which is a favorite diving fan favorite. Not far from South Waigo you can also find tourist destinations coral island of Kabui Bay, Skull Cave and also Raja Ampat historical tourist destination in Kali Raja. You can also watch Salay dance at Saonek, various species of birds in Sawinggrai and Yenwaupnor villages, as well as wicker craft tours in Arborek. Here you can also do snorkeling activities to watch a group of stingrays swim. Then if you continue the Sawandarek area, you can see the white sand beach with beautiful coral and many also found many sea duck animals. You can also walk around and enjoy a traditional village that has a unique atmosphere.

     On the West side of Waigeo, Konfiau and Batanta you can enjoy diving activities, in addition to tourist destinations above the tourist destination is interesting to visit others are houseboats houseboats and coral islands in the Wayag islands.        


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